Shulem Dov Winter
דף פב. - פרק ט' עד דף צ: - סיום גיטין
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Dear Friends and Family, עמו"ש

With the soul-satisfying scent of last year’s Shas-a-thon still suffusing the air, we embark on preparations for a new Shas-a-thon. Torah learning is never a repeat performance, an echo, but always a vibrant, vital experience with far reaching effects, and I plan to be part of this year’s event on Sunday the 8th of November, כ"ו חשון תשע"וat the Hilton London Metropole, once again in aid of A TIME. Together with my fellow learners, scholars and laymen alike, we will achieve the pinnacle of a Siyum HaShas in one place on one day.

For those unfamiliar with the superlative efforts of A TIME, here’s a brief rundown. The organisation provides medical, financial, emotional and halachic support, to couples navigating the unpleasant byroads of infertility. With sensitivity and respect, they accompany many such pairs over the hurdles on their path, aiding and praying with them for positive outcomes.

Our efforts at the Shas-a-thon help A TIME’s goals on the spiritual and financial fronts. I need your involvement to facilitate these accomplishments. Your sponsorship will make you a partner in the zechus of the learning and the zechus of the tremendous chessed done.

The kedusha and the achdus in such an undertaking are palpable and powerful. As a supporter, the bracha that resonates will be yours as much as mine. Thank you, on behalf of A TIME and myself, for opening your heart to our cause.


Sincerely yours,

My Fundraising Goal



Money Raised to Date


--------------------------------- Donor Comments ---------------------------------
משפחת נויגרעשל אנטווערפן
גיטין דף צ'
01/11/2015 14:36

ש״ס לומדים וגם מסיימים

 שמחה לך ולכל משפחתך

דיר ווינטשען ברכות

דאס וויל בוראינו


השמחים בשמחתך דיינע קינדער און אייניקלעך


משפחת נויגרעשל אנטווערפען

GM and children
17/10/2015 23:08

08/11/2015 13:24

proud od such a grandfather and brother..

E Bard
03/11/2015 18:04
Family Honig
01/11/2015 09:56
Fam, Frankel
07/11/2015 23:36
אלעזר פעלדמאן
02/11/2015 00:25

בברכה והצלחה 

מאת ידידך

אלעזר הלוי פעלדמאן

מרדכי שטערן
29/10/2015 21:24

הצלחה רבה

לע"נ ר' שלום דוב בן ר' משה צבי ז"ל

Yossi Stern
19/10/2015 14:14

לע״נ ר׳ שלום דוב בן ר׳ משה צבי ז״ל

הצלחה רבה

yy frankel
16/10/2015 12:21
yoel shimon herzka
14/10/2015 20:19


14/10/2015 13:40


Benji & Kivi
02/11/2015 12:39

Nothing can be finer, 

than to have "YOU" as a 69'er,

Wishing you loads of הצלחה in the future!!!!!!!


31/10/2015 23:39

To my dear Cavrusah my we be zocha to learn together many more gazinta years.

נתן בנציון הערצקא
20/10/2015 14:45

Looking forward to learn with you under one roof.

05/11/2015 17:46
Mrs Winter
01/11/2015 10:08
Kivi Stern
08/11/2015 20:00

The youngest loimed

Mrs C Stern no 17
07/11/2015 19:22

Thank You for being our good friend all the years!!!!

לע״נ ר׳ שלום דוב בן ר׳ משה צבי ז״ל

Sruly Stern
03/11/2015 13:44

R Shulem Ber, its a privilege to be learing again under roof together and watch your amazing Ahavas Torah and needles to mention your usual BRIGHT smile!


02/11/2015 13:35

לכבוד הרבני החשוב פאר קהלתינו הק' ר' שלום בער שליט''א

בברכת אורך ימים אשביעהו ואראהו בישועתי 

02/11/2015 13:05
Proud to sponser my dear Grandfather amv"s
Family grossberger
01/11/2015 14:51

הצלחה רבה

01/11/2015 14:47

Proud to be associated with a yid that has such tremendous ahavas torah!


הצלחה רבה

אלי׳ שטערן
01/11/2015 10:23


A real family friend

ברכה והצלחה

לע״נ ר' שלום דוב בן ר' משה צבי

Binyomin Stern
30/10/2015 12:29

Proud of you!

The Rosh Hakohol

Yanki (Yakov Akiva) Stern
28/10/2015 10:10

א ישר כח פאר דער כבוד אז איר זענט א שותף אין דער הייליגע טאג ממך ילמדו אחרים

Menachem Zvi Rubner
26/10/2015 19:44

yiddel h
15/10/2015 16:33

Much Hatslocho


15/10/2015 12:07
Shimon A. Hirschler
14/07/2015 18:02
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