Joel Bokor
דף קכו: - משנה עד דף קלד: - סוף פרק י'
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Dear Friends and Family, עמו"ש

With the soul-satisfying scent of last year’s Shas-a-thon still suffusing the air, we embark on preparations for a new Shas-a-thon. Torah learning is never a repeat performance, an echo, but always a vibrant, vital experience with far reaching effects, and I plan to be part of this year’s event on Sunday the 8th of November, כ"ו חשון תשע"וat the Hilton London Metropole, once again in aid of A TIME. Together with my fellow learners, scholars and laymen alike, we will achieve the pinnacle of a Siyum HaShas in one place on one day.

For those unfamiliar with the superlative efforts of A TIME, here’s a brief rundown. The organisation provides medical, financial, emotional and halachic support, to couples navigating the unpleasant byroads of infertility. With sensitivity and respect, they accompany many such pairs over the hurdles on their path, aiding and praying with them for positive outcomes.

Our efforts at the Shas-a-thon help A TIME’s goals on the spiritual and financial fronts. I need your involvement to facilitate these accomplishments. Your sponsorship will make you a partner in the zechus of the learning and the zechus of the tremendous chessed done.

The kedusha and the achdus in such an undertaking are palpable and powerful. As a supporter, the bracha that resonates will be yours as much as mine. Thank you, on behalf of A TIME and myself, for opening your heart to our cause.


Sincerely yours,

Joel Bokor

My Fundraising Goal



Money Raised to Date


--------------------------------- Donor Comments ---------------------------------
אהרן קליין
חולין דף ק"ל
03/11/2015 20:17

הצלחה רבה בכל הענינים תמיד

01/11/2015 14:17
18/10/2015 20:58
Moti F - Flats & Houses
06/11/2015 12:52
nissan dovid
02/11/2015 12:33
19/10/2015 08:25

Big zechus of helping others in need.


הצלחה וכל טוב לכל המשתתפים

Charles Ledsham Opticians
05/11/2015 10:14

Brocho Vhatzlocho

Chili Glausiusz
02/11/2015 17:30
25/10/2015 01:16

ברכה והצלחה

A good friend ( neighbour) הצלחה רבה
08/11/2015 02:04

Keep up your good work 

E Frankel
05/11/2015 15:31

Kol hakavod!

04/11/2015 18:27
30/10/2015 10:08
21/10/2015 14:16
Dovid Spitzer
07/11/2015 23:34

asach hatzloche from ur brother in law Dovid Spitzer

Yoeli Frankel
04/11/2015 20:55


See you there!

B Perlman
04/11/2015 15:16
Yoel Modche Cope
03/11/2015 20:03

בברכת הרבה ברכה והצלחה ובכל אשר יפנה יצליח

Josh F - Flats & Houses
29/10/2015 18:11
Yoina Bokor
05/11/2015 17:24

Any time for you!

04/11/2015 13:18
Simcha Teitelbaum
02/11/2015 22:11
יואל שרגא ב. פערלמוטער
30/10/2015 10:06

"טוב שכן טוב"  כי לו נאה לידידי היקר ר' יואל באקער הי"ו שכל מציאות החיים וביתו הם בדרך התורה והיראה להיות חלק ושותף בשלש עמודי עולם  לתורה ועבודה וגמ"ח של יום אחד שחשוב שנה זכות התורה ולומדיה יגן עלינו עדי נזכה לשמחתן של ישראל אמן.

P Lebrecht
30/10/2015 09:54

בברכת ברכה מרובה ידידך דושה״ט פ לעברעכט

Dovid Kuflik
ברכות דף ב'
29/10/2015 21:12

Osher & Joely 

הצלחה רבה

I s
18/10/2015 17:05

happy to see you joining this year.lots of הצלחה

02/11/2015 13:25
Amrom Tauber
06/11/2015 14:38
Akiva Padwa
19/10/2015 19:36
Motty friedman
06/11/2015 15:58

Yoily you are a truy Ben Torah, and a heart of gold, you should always continue in this way, 

הצלחה רבה

02/11/2015 17:32

הצלחה רבה

Yisroel Bokor
01/11/2015 15:41

ברכה והצלחה

28/10/2015 21:02
Yoel Deutsch
08/11/2015 22:30

Sorry never received a text from you so didn't know your in, last minute

08/11/2015 15:04
יואל ראטבארט
08/11/2015 11:55
Joel Snitzer
08/11/2015 10:53

good luck

ידיך a.y.joseph
08/11/2015 10:43
Yitzchok Reichman
08/11/2015 00:49
Abraham Klein
07/11/2015 21:55

Good luck 

06/11/2015 01:25

Your חשק and התלהבות to take part in this wonderful סיום הש״ס for such a great cause, was inspirational.

תזכו ללמוד וללמד לשמור ולעשות

Yitzchok Zelig Reich
04/11/2015 19:28

ברכה והצלחה

M Scher
04/11/2015 00:18


03/11/2015 20:25
03/11/2015 09:59
C E Josefovitz
02/11/2015 16:19

When the love is real every little counts

01/11/2015 13:34

הצלחה רבה

01/11/2015 01:17

ברכה והצלחה

29/10/2015 12:53
Sam Gratt
29/10/2015 11:13
Faircroft Estates
25/10/2015 22:04
21/10/2015 10:43
Yoel Moshe Fried - NY
19/10/2015 18:34

Chazak v'emotz!!!  Proud of you!!!!

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