Avrumi Lowin
דף צט: - פרק י' עד דף קיד. - משנה א'
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Dear Friends and Family, עמו"ש

With the soul-satisfying scent of last year’s Shas-a-thon still suffusing the air, we embark on preparations for a new Shas-a-thon. Torah learning is never a repeat performance, an echo, but always a vibrant, vital experience with far reaching effects, and I plan to be part of this year’s event on Sunday the 8th of November, כ"ו חשון תשע"וat the Hilton London Metropole, once again in aid of A TIME. Together with my fellow learners, scholars and laymen alike, we will achieve the pinnacle of a Siyum HaShas in one place on one day.

For those unfamiliar with the superlative efforts of A TIME, here’s a brief rundown. The organisation provides medical, financial, emotional and halachic support, to couples navigating the unpleasant byroads of infertility. With sensitivity and respect, they accompany many such pairs over the hurdles on their path, aiding and praying with them for positive outcomes.

Our efforts at the Shas-a-thon help A TIME’s goals on the spiritual and financial fronts. I need your involvement to facilitate these accomplishments. Your sponsorship will make you a partner in the zechus of the learning and the zechus of the tremendous chessed done.

The kedusha and the achdus in such an undertaking are palpable and powerful. As a supporter, the bracha that resonates will be yours as much as mine. Thank you, on behalf of A TIME and myself, for opening your heart to our cause.


Sincerely yours,

Avrumi Lowin

My Fundraising Goal



Money Raised to Date


--------------------------------- Donor Comments ---------------------------------
Zaide and Buba Smus
15/09/2015 21:57
01/11/2015 00:07
04/11/2015 16:25
Shmilly & Miri
28/10/2015 23:48

Well Done Tatty,

 We're so proud of all the amazing work you do!

Your the best example for us to follow

17/10/2015 22:00

צדיק יסוד עולם!

05/11/2015 17:33

Avrumi!! You should of worked harder to schlep me along this time as well,

An example of a true askan!! Keep it up,

Monchester is proud to have someone like you!!!

g black
03/11/2015 21:42
Daddy and Mammy
28/10/2015 23:40

Hatslocha Rabba!

20/10/2015 15:14

Wishing you much הצלחה in your learning.

01/11/2015 18:27

הצלחה רבה

Learn well, no schmoozing and keep it up all year

d wiesfish
05/11/2015 23:40
yitzchok wiessman
04/11/2015 20:23
אלעזר פעלדמאן
03/11/2015 20:21
Naftuli Elimelech Stern
03/11/2015 17:52


לעילוי נשמת

הרה''ק רבי ישעי' ב''ר משה מקערעסטיר זי''ע

m d z
29/10/2015 23:52
Shmuel Zvi Stern
19/10/2015 14:14

לע״נ ר׳ שלום דוב בן ר׳ משה צבי ז״ל

הצלחה רבה

C & C
11/10/2015 17:55

Keep up the good work Avrumi!  

I'm proud to be associated with you and admire all your hard work!

05/11/2015 12:13

It would have really disappointed me had the A-time Siyum gone by without sponsering such a close friend and cousin, who made Simchas Torah so much more exciting than usual. Shteig Veiter......................................................and lets us carry on being proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the final reminder. Wishing you loads of ברכה & הצלחה in the future.

Tzali Stern
17/09/2015 14:33

Avromi kol hokovod... Keep shteiging

Moishy thanks for the haircuts... Keep it up

06/11/2015 00:23
Shea Waldman
04/11/2015 17:20

In appreciation of all your hard work for the new building Talmud Torah Chinuch Neorim Manchester חזק ואמץ .

זכות תינוקת של בית רבן יגן על כל משפחתך

Tzvi Smus
29/10/2015 22:27

Uncle Avrumi, you're an inspiration to us all! Looking forward to your visit...

Betzalel Lowin
18/10/2015 11:58

moishe & avrumi u make me proud!!

m folda
06/11/2015 14:38
s b engal
05/11/2015 23:42
m lobanstien
03/11/2015 22:14
28/10/2015 18:47
A bami
27/10/2015 19:07
A bami
27/10/2015 19:06
08/11/2015 20:19
Yossi & Chani
07/11/2015 22:18

Nothing like two brother's learning together! How sweet! 

Waiting for your visit! 

Hatzlocho Rabo! 

t z
04/11/2015 21:25
Yitzchock Moshe Stern
04/11/2015 08:58

לע"נ ר׳ שלום דוב בן ר׳ משה צבי ז"ל

ולע״נ הרה״ק ר׳ ישעי׳ ב׳ר משה 

Shragi Leitner
03/11/2015 21:17

Keep up your good work! 

Fagleman Family
03/11/2015 09:44

Hatzlocho Rabboh

All the best


02/11/2015 22:19

wishing you hatzlocho I all your learning


מרדכי שטערן
ברכות דף ב'
01/11/2015 23:34

הצלחה רבה

לע"נ נשמת ר' שלום דוב ב"ר משה

30/10/2015 12:15

ברכה והצלחה

Yossi Stern
30/10/2015 11:15

לע״נ ר׳ שלום דוב בן ר׳ משה צבי ז״ל


דודיך אלי׳ שטערן
30/10/2015 10:10


ברכה והצלחה


לע״נ ר' שלום דוב בן ר' משה צבי


Ezra Umarpeh Manchester
30/10/2015 09:56

We look forward to your help and charm on First night Chanukah

29/10/2015 14:23

הצלחה רבה

Please look after my Chavrusa!!

Avrumi! Make sure you are looking inside the 'gmore' while the camera is at you!!!
Moshie! D'ont worry! You d'ont have to TEXT me to thank for donation!



יעקב עקיבה
27/10/2015 10:13

ישר כח והצלחה רבה

זושא שטערן
26/10/2015 20:43

לע״נ ר׳ שלום דוב בן ר׳ משה צבי ז״ל

Y Rabinowitz
25/10/2015 21:48

A great Friend, A special askan, An outstanding mentsh and BEST OF ALL an amazing  חברותא

keep up your great work

Moishe Stern
18/10/2015 16:16

Proud to be your friend! 

20/09/2015 16:58

Avrumi, Klal Yisroel need more people with the same driving force as you!!!

Yehudoh Aryeh Lobenstein
09/09/2015 09:24
Number 17
07/09/2015 18:17

בברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובה 

לרפואת שלו' דוב בן שולמית הי"ו

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