Avrumi Frydenson
דף נח: - משנה עד דף סז: - סוף פרק ג'
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Dear Friends and Family, עמו"ש

I plan to be part of this year’s event on Sunday the 8th of November, כ"ו חשון תשע"ו at the Hilton London Metropole, in aid of A TIME. Together with my fellow learners, we will achieve the pinnacle of a Siyum HaShas in one place on one day.

Our efforts at the Shas-a-thon help A TIME’s goals on the spiritual and financial fronts. I need your involvement to facilitate these accomplishments. Your sponsorship will make you a partner in the zechus of the learning and the zechus of the tremendous chessed done.

The kedusha and the achdus in such an undertaking are palpable and powerful. As a supporter, the bracha that resonates will be yours as much as mine. Thank you, on behalf of A TIME and myself, for opening your heart to our cause.

Avrumi Frydenson

My Fundraising Goal



Money Raised to Date


--------------------------------- Donor Comments ---------------------------------
08/11/2015 00:24
Anonymous 1
07/11/2015 23:32
Mr & Mrs Frydenson
03/11/2015 18:22
E Adler
04/11/2015 18:46

David Foskett
03/11/2015 18:23
18/09/2015 12:17

You are the best!!!

10/10/2015 20:32
Ayal Shalom
24/09/2015 15:43
E. Adler
24/09/2015 15:43
Y Gertner & Freind
31/10/2015 19:24
R Rosenfeld
31/10/2015 19:44
E A Bamberger
31/10/2015 19:16
Avi Y
06/11/2015 12:23
E Frenkel
05/11/2015 19:13
05/11/2015 17:16

מחיל אל חיל

25/09/2015 10:18


24/09/2015 17:26

Wishing you much success .

20/09/2015 16:41

הצלחה רבה

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